Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 - Xbox 360 Review

Hello readers, this is Brandon. Its time for another video game review. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 for the Xbox360. Enjoy!

Story- Lego Harry Potter spans over the first four years of Harry Potters journey to Hogwarts. Almost every detail is direct from the Harry Potter feature films. Now although the characters in all " Lego " games do not have voice actors, they use comedy which replaces the voices. Without the comedy in this game I don't think the story would hold up as well as you might think. Each year follows the series of events during Harry Potters life at Hogwarts. You visit many familiar areas, that is if your a Harry Potter fan. You Battle Lord Voldemort, you visit the Chamber of Secrets, Rescue your God-Father, and Battle for the Tri-Wizard Cup. I advise you have haven't already, watch the Harry Potter movies, or read the books. If you love Lego and that's why your interested in the game, you may be confused as to whats going on. I think the four years were presented well, stayed on track, and gave the fans and players a great adventure worth playing. Following the first four movies I think " Travellers Tale " did a great job, 9/10.

Gameplay- The mechanics used for this game are the same as all Lego games we've played before. So you can see why the game could be boring and not worth playing. However, Travellers Tale, gave the players a little more of a fresh start to this Lego game. You are able to use different magical curses and spells, this gives a nice fresh, but small new addition to the Lego games world. If your looking for action, and intense fighting like in one of the " Lego Star Wars " games, you wont find that here. Lego Harry Potter has its times of action and boss battles, but the game focuses more around puzzle solving. Playing the game through once was fun, but if you want to unlock everything, such as secret areas, a character ( with over 200 playable ), or get Achievement/Trophies you'll have to play it more then once. Going through the second time is not as fun as the first time, but its not boring and you wont feel like you want to just give up. I have to say I didn't really like the magic wheel system, choosing your spells. Because at times Id have one spell out for a certain task then having an enemies attack me which prevented me from both completing a task and preventing me from changing my spell to attack. As well, at times the camera would be in a poor position where it made it difficult to do something. Not very noticeable but was a pain at times. Over all the gameplay has grown and stayed the same, 7/10.

Graphics- The graphics are nothing special. Lego Harry Potter is the best looking of all Lego games so far, hands down. But its nothing that makes you say " Wow, it feels like I'm at Hogwarts! ". Although I have to say, the scenery was well done. Everything looked and felt like it was straight from one of the movies. The animations for the game were quite humorous. They really held the game together. I encountered some glitching threw out my play, such as hair into capes, hair into the Christmas hat and minor things in the cut scenes. It didn't effect my play of the game, but it was noticeable. Overall the gameplay is nothing special, but it has its moments, 7/10.

Controls- Now, the controls are fairly simple. Anyone can pick up the controller and get right into the game. Everything is easy to use, move around objects, and do the objective ask of you at the time. The use of spells is very easy. Selecting the spell on the wheel, holding down x or b / square or circle for " PS3 " and casting your spell. I didn't find really anything wrong or difficult with the controls. They felt natural and easy. If your familiar with Lego games then you may feel like its repetitive, which for myself felt a little bit that way. It wasn't a pain, but it felt familiar. The controls are solid, 9/10.

Sound- Having said that somethings don't make you feel like your at Hogwarts, the sound delivers in that area. The sound effects for spells, characters moaning, all the minor sounds are great. They sound like a spell being thrown at an object or another character. Nothing seems to be out of place, it all fits nicely. I have to say I really enjoyed the music in the background. At times it may seems repetitive, but it doesn't bother you. I was really happy to hear the theme music to the Harry Potter movies. It made my time in the game more enjoyable and put the feel of Harry Potter into my head. The sounds and music in this game really pull the world of Harry Potter into the Lego world and gives it a very unique and great feel, 9/10.

Value- Combining Lego with the world and story of Harry Potter was a fantastic idea. The game is not perfect, but its one of the best among the Lego video games out there today. It was replay value to everyone, for those who enjoyed the story, the hardcore gamers trying to get every little thing in the game and to younger kids who enjoy Lego and or Harry Potter.
There are minor details that make this game feel like its just another Lego game, but at the same time brings a fresh new look upon itself. If your not fully sure on what you think of this game I recommend you rent it. If you love Lego, Harry Potter, or both, I recommend you pick up a copy today. Its a great fun filled adventure, with puzzles and some action for the whole family. This game is ment for all ages, weather your a kid laughing at the Lego people, or an teen/adult with the love for Lego, Harry Potter and puzzles. This game is solid overall, 7/10.

Overall- As I said before this game is ment for all ages. If your still unsure after reading this review, I suggest renting it and giving it a whirl. It has its minor issues here and there, but nothing huge to really effect your time playing the game. It brings comedy, puzzles, action, adventure and fun all into one. This game was enjoyable to play and go threw re-living the movies and books as Lego characters, 8/10.

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